Thursday, April 29, 2010


I learned today that I have exactly one friend. That friend, is of course, my best friend. Even
though she is my cousin, we have been the best of friends since we were young. It helped a lout that our mothers were identical twin sisters who were also best friends. This friend is the
only person who does not annoy me. We have hardly anything in common with each other.
We are different in every way possible when it comes to our appearances. Height, hair, eyes,
weight, clothes. Nothing is the same. While there are many things we don't agree on, there are
others that are perfectly matches. Certain books,shoes, tv shows. But not many. I think that's
what I love about us. I think that's why we get along so well, and why every minute there is
something interesting to us. Opposites attract they say, and I never really thought that was
true about people. I now realize I was wrong. She is the greatest person I know. I never want our friendship to end. It kills me when we don't have time to be around each other. I know it might sound creepy, but I don't have anyone else like she does. I have a few people I talk to or hang out with, but they tire me easily and annoy me to no end. It's not that I don't like them. They just aren't as much as a friend to me as other C.

I also learned that I hate everyone's opinion unless I agree with it. I don't try to. It just seriously pisses me off. I've come to the point where I can't even read YouTube comments because I get so angry with their opinion. I know it's very close minded and douchey of me to do, but I can't stop myself from thing "OMG can I please punch you in your stupid face?!" I try to ignore everyone as much as possible now because I don't want to seem like a mean person.

Just kinda ranting.

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