Thursday, April 29, 2010


I learned today that I have exactly one friend. That friend, is of course, my best friend. Even
though she is my cousin, we have been the best of friends since we were young. It helped a lout that our mothers were identical twin sisters who were also best friends. This friend is the
only person who does not annoy me. We have hardly anything in common with each other.
We are different in every way possible when it comes to our appearances. Height, hair, eyes,
weight, clothes. Nothing is the same. While there are many things we don't agree on, there are
others that are perfectly matches. Certain books,shoes, tv shows. But not many. I think that's
what I love about us. I think that's why we get along so well, and why every minute there is
something interesting to us. Opposites attract they say, and I never really thought that was
true about people. I now realize I was wrong. She is the greatest person I know. I never want our friendship to end. It kills me when we don't have time to be around each other. I know it might sound creepy, but I don't have anyone else like she does. I have a few people I talk to or hang out with, but they tire me easily and annoy me to no end. It's not that I don't like them. They just aren't as much as a friend to me as other C.

I also learned that I hate everyone's opinion unless I agree with it. I don't try to. It just seriously pisses me off. I've come to the point where I can't even read YouTube comments because I get so angry with their opinion. I know it's very close minded and douchey of me to do, but I can't stop myself from thing "OMG can I please punch you in your stupid face?!" I try to ignore everyone as much as possible now because I don't want to seem like a mean person.

Just kinda ranting.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Okay so y'know how I LOVE books?
Well I have a chance to win some, and anyone who just happens
to read this blog, can too.
Just check out Steph Bowe's blog!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I Live

TWISTED SISTER!!!!!!!!!11!

I'm here!!!!!!!
A couple of weeks ago I went to camp. Oh good grief, it was so tiring! ...and awkward. Y'know why? The kid that likes me was there...and it just is awkward. Anyways. Yep, that's me right there at camp! It was only from Friday to Sunday morning. I got up at 4:45 am every morning because I like to be alone when I get ready in the morning. Plus there was only two showers with only a wall separating us..and I'm just a modest early it was.
Here are some photos I took:

I have more, but I don't want to post them all.

Anyways I've been SOOO so so so busy, but as you can see I have been posting blogs
for book giveaways. I just couldn't help myself, they're too amazing! I was so tempted.

I bought three new books this month..yay! PLUS I got the first two Maximum Ride books, so I'll start those sometime soon. Anyways here are the books I got:
I am so excited to read them! YAY!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Say what?

Oh, blog. It's been a long few days.
The girls have been at the grandparents house so it's been rather quiet here.
Anyways I've spent the better half of today
reading this lovely new-found blogger's posts:

She does book reviews, giveaways and contests...and I'm certainly entering her latest one. I'd be a fool no doubt if I didn't. I love reading!

Speaking of books! You know that FANG book I got for Easter? Apparently its a series of novels...six books in front of it. As you can imagine it was a big ol' *facepalm* when I found out. So last night, after having a lovely dinner at O'Charley's with my Nana, we went to Books-A-Million and she bought me the first book. She's great!
Since there was a lack of photos to post I'll give you an amusing one:

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Weekend

Good evening interwebs!
Here is a summary of my weekend:
Well, actually, the pictures are from Saturday. Easter weekend was great for the most part, I loved it. Friday I saw The Last Song with a bunch of women from church and on Saturday I went to see Clash of the Titans with a bunch of men from my church. I know, weird, right? haha. Before we went to the movies though I had to go to an Easter egg hunt with my family and some families from church. I might have possibly stolen some candy...As I am doing this blog I am watching The Lord of the Rings. I've been craving it for a while now..I just love Arwen. She's great. I have a weakness for movies/books/tv shows that have some sort of heroine.

The Last Song. My rating? 3.5 stars of of 5. This was a generally good movie. Sad though, and I have to admit it I came very close to crying. I did get teary-eyed at one point with Jonah. There were the moments where you just go "awww," trust me. I did not do it aloud..I got a rep. to protect here! All of the women I went with didn't leave that theater with a dry eye. A few parts were cheesy, and Miley Cyrus was a terrible choice for the role of Ronnie. I'm in the middle of reading the book now and even in the movie I could tell that she was too girly for the part of this character. Ronnie is supposed to be a dark person. Will and Ronnie are supposed to look completely incompatible together. Oh and those front teeth! Miley, what the heck? You are incredibly rich, YOU CAN AFFORD TO GET THAT CROOKED TOOTH FIXED. Every moment I see her open her mouth I cannot go without a giggle or a snort of annoyance. They say it will affect her singing if she fixes it...yeah you can only go uphill from that voice, I'm just sayin'..

Clash of the Titans gets a lovely 4 out of 5 stars. I did watch the 80's version. I could barely get through that movie without laughing at how old it is. I love picking out the differences in technology from now and then. This movie had just enough action for my liking, and enough talking about things that actually matter as well. I've noticed in movies lately they have incredibly awesome action scenes then dialogue that has nothing to do with anything. I was not, however, disappointed with this movie. Only 4 stars because I felt like there was just something missing. I couldn't put my finger on it though. Maybe the fact that it was a movie that I will mostly likely only see 2 times in my entire life, if not 1? I don't like 3D movies. There was nothing really...3D about it, and the glasses just gave me an unwanted headache. I loved the ending though. The ageless chick was awesome, no matter what anyone says. When Zuess brought her back I totally said "Yay!"


Sunday, I got a book!!! That's right. OH, yeah. Plus a bunch of candy...and sidewalk chalk! I love Easter. Anyways, I cannot wait to read this book, it looks awesome. I've heard nothing but great things about James Patterson.

After we ate lunch (chicken pot pie) with my Nana, Great Aunt, and cousin, we headed down to my Grammy's house for dinner. I ended up watching White Oleander with other C while she cleaned her room. We got to talk and stuff. Later on that night, I went with her to see The Last Song (yes, again, she didn't see it, jeez!) with other C, C's boyfriend J, and C's brother R. It was fun since we went at about 9pm so no one was there but us, haha.

I'm getting rather tired now so I believe I shall finish this movie tomorrow.